Coffee Machines and Your Office: how should you brew it?

Coffee Machines and Your Office: how should you brew it?

Posted on 30-01-2019
By Pact Coffee

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So, you want to bring Pact Coffee into your workplace. Great choice! But now you need to work out how exactly you’re going to be enjoying it… so here’s your guide to picking the machine option for you:


This is the showstopper. There’s no better way to impress a potential new client than by bringing them a café-quality flat white in with your tray of Jammy Dodgers.

And for all your staff, who just have to nip out for a frothy espresso-based drink on the regular, it’ll be revolutionary - as they’ll no longer have to brave the rain, or the queues at the nearest Starbucks.

…Though, to consider the downsides, queues may be a bit of a problem if everyone’s coffee cycle synchronises because these machines are a one or two at a time deal. Though, as they’re so quick and pretty much idiot proof (though we don’t suggest testing this), it shouldn’t really be an issue.


  • Barista-style coffee
  • Semi or fully-automatic, so easy to use
  • Idiot proof!


  • Needs daily maintenance
  • Requires a long-term commitment in terms of contract
  • Coffee selection limited to two or three


Now this is the option for offices that are really into their coffee. Why? Because you’ll have the choice of all the Select range coffees we carry, a selection that’s constantly rotating and offering a varied taste of absolutely everything coffee can be.

It’s also perfect for workspaces that tend to have long, lingering caffeine-fuelled meetings as it brews in batches - so no need to send the unfortunate soul who’s sat by the door out on a refreshment run every five minutes.

Though don’t expect latte art here - these machines only do black coffee, so any milk will need to be added manually (but then, a lot of artisan speciality fans would turn down milk anyway!). They’re also manually operated, but it’s nothing most people can’t handle.


  • Choose from any coffees on our full Select menu
  • Makes batches - great for meetings or a quick cup!
  • Short-term commitment in terms of contract


  • Only makes black coffee
  • Manually operated

A mix of the both

As in life generally, compromise is king. In fact, choosing a combination of filter and espresso machines results in the highest satisfaction levels for the customers we work with.

Every coffee-related need can be met, from the frothy coffee lover to the ‘new origin’ explorer who knows her Ethiopian from her Colombian. There’s choice, and people love choice.

It also means that you’re sorted for everything to fuelling boardroom meetings to those precious minutes of breathing time that you take while pouring some (rapidly improving!) latte art. There’s not really any downside!


  • The highest satisfaction rate for this combination
  • Every staff member is catered for
  • Meetings and self-serve are covered


  • Almost nothing!