A world first: bean-to-cup optimised coffee

A world first: bean-to-cup optimised coffee

Posted on 03-02-2025
By Will

Want to taste your best bean-to-cup machine coffee yet?

You’ll find beans roasted just for the job exclusively at Pact Coffee. 

To explain how you’ll get the finest performance yet from your office bean-to-cup machine – and how, for the first time, we’re purposely roasting for it – we need to briefly discuss how your machine works.  

You might think of your bean-to-cup machine as an espresso machine without the manual side. But espresso machines are quite a bit more technical – they brew coffee at a very high temperature and pressure over a short space of time.

This is all dependent on the user being a dab hand at grinding, dosing, tamping, and operating. 

Don’t worry if these terms sound technical. They are! And that’s why the bean-to-cup machine was invented – to do all these difficult jobs for you. 

But doing all these tasks in a small space, inside the machine, means they need to be done at lower pressure and lower temperature to stop it from breaking. 

Because your bean-to-cup machine runs with this lower pressure and temperature, it doesn’t create coffee from beans in the same way as an espresso machine. That’s why, for the very first time, we’ve adapted the beans. 

We’ve done all the research, tweaking, and testing to, in a nutshell, perfect a roasting level that allows these beans to create that strong, smooth, and sweet flavour that you’d get from the expert barista – all from the lower intensity brewing inside your bean-to-cup machine. 

Get in touch to find out how we can help your business.

How it works (the sciencey stuff)

Is your bean-to-cup coffee tasting watery? If so, it’s probably down to the beans.

If you’re using regular coffee beans in your machine, it’s likely that not enough coffee is being extracted from your beans. 

Coffee extraction is the process of using hot water to dissolve the flavour compounds in ground coffee beans. Essentially, water passes through the ground coffee to create what we know and love as liquid coffee – the good stuff!  

When that is done in too short a period of time, your coffee ends up tasting watery (because not enough coffee is dissolved). And as bean-to-cup machines extract in a relatively short period of time, compared to an espresso machine, when you’re using beans made for espresso, you’re not going to get the best tasting brew. 

So we’ve developed our roasting profile to make the beans highly soluble, which means they dissolve easily, creating more of that delicious liquid coffee in this shorter period of time. 

This brings you a stronger, tastier, and more full-bodied cup from your bean-to-cup machine. 

As usual, these beans are sourced from some of the world’s finest coffee farms. And best of all? It’s much more affordable than you might expect.

To find out how we can work with your business, get in touch here.

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