Grab a coffee with… Charlie Hockton, Business Development Manager

Grab a coffee with… Charlie Hockton, Business Development Manager

Posted on 05-02-2019
By Pact Coffee

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Charlie, 29, is one of our Business Development Managers (and a damn good cake-maker, too!) - chances are you’ve chatted coffee with him, but here’s your chance to learn a little more about what makes him tick.

What did you do before you came to Pact?

I worked for an IT reseller, and then an intellectual property tech company. Coffee is slightly different…

Why did you join Pact?

I wanted to move from tech into the food and beverage industry. I love coffee, and I love the sustainable aspect of Pact.

Give us a day in the life of Charlie…

8am: Get into work, pop a batch brew on and make myself an espresso. Settle in by reading the news for 15 minutes.

8.15am-10am: Team meetings - usually thinking of new ways to reach out to potential clients - and the occasional coffee class, run in-house to learn more about everything from brewing to the science of roasting

10am-12.30pm: Hop in an Uber and head out to do a tasting i.e. spending around an hour helping a business that wants to change up its coffee offering

1.30pm-4pm: Putting in lots of time on the phone, telling office managers all about Pact’s service

4pm: Last coffee of the day

5.30pm: Hometime!

What’s been your highest point since joining Pact Coffee?

Learning how to steam milk properly… and nailing 1 in every 100 flat whites I’ve made!

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learnt?

Like most average coffee consumers, I was very unaware of the issues surrounding commodity coffee over the last few years. There is a huge surplus of coffee, and farmers are paying more to produce coffee than they can sell it for.

Describe your relationship with coffee:

Coffee fuels me - I’ve had three cups before 9am, typically. Aside from water, there’s no other drink I’ve consistently had every single day since I was about 17.

Tell us about your most memorable coffee-related experience:

I was lucky to spend seven months travelling around South America with my girlfriend last year - and my favourite place was the coffee triangle in Colombia. We spent three weeks on different farms learning about the production processes and tastings lots.

How do you brew your own coffee?

I have a Sage Bambino for espresso, or I use a V60 and cafetiere on weekends. In the office, I mostly use our Marzocco GS3 or V60.
