How much would you pay for a cup of coffee - 20p, £2, or £75?

How much would you pay for a cup of coffee - 20p, £2, or £75?

Posted on 25-06-2019
By Pact Coffee

There’s a lot of buzz about the price of coffee. There’s $75 cups in the news, eye-roll-inducing for a lot of people, and tonnes of chat about millennials squandering imaginary deposit money on flat whites. Let’s clear some things up, shall we?

That $75 cup of coffee

Like wine of particular variety and specific vintage, there are some coffees that are constantly sort after. One of these is Geisha variety coffee. Rare, unique, and very expensive. And that’s why this particular cup fetched such a high price tag, as it’s a Geisha from Panama.

Bought at auction for a whopping $803 per lb. Which is great for the Lamastus family, who took great pains to grow it. The Geisha is a particularly sensitive variety when it comes to growing it, with 20% of their trees dying during being moved from the nursery and others following after this.

When you think of the time taken to grow it, and the rareness of the variety itself, the price seems more reasonable. After all, for those sought-after wines, a bottle could fall into the tens of thousands.

The cost of daily £2 lattes

Down near the other end of the scale, we’ve got the cost of buying a takeaway coffee every day. And that particular caffeine habit of young people has got a lot of people up in arms. Turns out the reason that a lot of young professionals can’t afford to get on the property ladder is largely due to how many coffees they’re buying… or at least, that’s what some people want you to think.

Like the ‘avocado toast’ drama from a few years back, young people are often told that it’s not so much that their age group is financially worse off than previous generations - it’s that they won’t stop spending money on nice things! A frustrating thing to hear from property-owning baby boomers…

Why office coffee is priceless

So when you’re thinking of ways to make life easier for your staff (of which any under 30 are experiencing an unprecedented pay squeeze), coffee could be the answer. Providing world-class coffee at work and a massive discount for at-home coffee means those £2 lattes aren’t necessary anyway. And it’s got true value for money. At an average of £4-5 per month for each employee (just 20-30p per cup, if they have one cup a day) it’s much more affordable - not to mention that our coffee is all 100% speciality grade, not burnt bargain beans. Pact Coffee won’t give you a $75 cup, but it is priceless when it comes to employee satisfaction.

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