5 New Year Resolutions for Your Office

5 New Year Resolutions for Your Office

Posted on 08-01-2019
By Pact Coffee

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1. Tidy desks, tidy minds

It’s always hard to get back into the swing of things, especially after two weeks of drowning in Quality Street wrappers and party popper streamers. You’ve dragged your rapidly shedding Christmas tree outside to the curb, and that felt pretty good - so do the same in the office. A fresh new start for a fresh new year.

Bye bye, post-it notes about projects past. See ya later, handful of biros that stopped working months ago. Ta ta to tired old notebooks you’ll never revisit. Clear your desk and clear your mind - trust us. It works.

2. Keep on moving

Again, you’ve spent enough time sofa-bound. ‘Tis the season of juice cleanses, shiny new running trainers and short-lived gym memberships - but you don’t need to do all that.

It is, however, a good idea to not be completely confined to your desk now you’re back at work. Several studies have found that spending over eight hours sitting has the same effect as smoking or obesity on your risk of dying.

But don’t fret! The World Health Organisation says its been proven that regular physical activity can prevent things like heart disease and stroke - small changes like using the stairs instead of the lift, (speed)walking over to someone’s desk instead of emailing them, and taking a stroll around the office every now and then could all help you on your way.

3. Goodbye pub sesh, hello mini golf

It’s important to socialise with your coworkers, especially out of the office. Away from the constraints of HR and higher ups, conversations just flow a little easier. Whether you call it networking or gossip, it can be a good way to let off some steam and find out how things are going with the team as a whole.

However… these ‘debriefs’ aren’t obligated to happen in the local ‘spoons. I know, I know. Unpopular opinion. But why not resolve to get the gang saving their pint money, and spend it on something a little more wholesome instead. Trip to the cinema, game of bowling - the possibilities are endless. Resolve to try memorable bonding, instead of a rant session that you wish you could forget!

4. Introduce treat (or cheat) days

Offices can be the worst place to be in January, when you’re suffering from a severe sugar crash and eager to stick to carrot sticks - at least for a week or two. Biscuits, birthday cakes, crips and everything delicious just seems to… appear.

We’re not a fan of abstaining completely. So why not convince your deskmates to pick a ‘treat day’ and stick to that for a weekly dose of indulgence? Maybe Tuesday afternoons are renowned for being the slowest few hours ever, or you like to celebrate Friday with a curly wurly or two. Either way, it’ll give you something to look forward to when Monday morning hits.

5. Upgrade your coffee

New year, new you. And this you is better, brighter and even more deserving of coffee that you don’t just view as a necessary evil. Pact Coffee for Business wants to be the highlight of your 2019 - delicious speciality grade coffee, sourced ethically to be on tap in your breakroom. It sounds nice, doesn’t it. Dare to dream, offices everywhere - hit us up today.
