What offices can learn from cafés reopening

What offices can learn from cafés reopening

Posted on 14-07-2020
By Pact Coffee

We’re all tired of the phrase ‘new normal’. Not just because it’s already a hackneyed cliché, but because it represents the sort of insurmountable task you can’t bear to get started with. Like clearing out the attic, ‘sorting’ the garden, or reorganising your files.

Reopening your company’s office might feel like that. It’s not just difficult to adjust, it’s sort of boring too. There’s no prize for finding ways to adhere to safety standards, and communicating necessary steps to your team. But it’s gotta be done. So why not learn from an industry that’s already started taking these steps - hospitality?

The similarities between offices and cafés

They’re not so different, offices and cafés. Both are full of people - people with their own habits, needs, patterns. All capable of helping or heeding your attempts to make the building Covid-secure, and all wanting to get on with what they’re doing… whether it’s having a natter over a cuppa, or tackling some spreadsheets.

And there’s a lot of tables and chairs at both. Sounds daft - but it means if you get people seated, it’s relatively easy to prevent too much mingling. As long as you’re keeping people socially distanced and common touchpoints clean, it’s a situation you can manage.

‘Best practice’ guidelines that offices can borrow

Especially when it comes to keeping your team caffeinated, there’s a lot of steps you can borrow from the hospitality industry. Things as simple as swapping out the cupboards cracked crockery that’s been handled by staff who left years ago, to disposable cups and cutlery.

And scheduled, spread-out coffee breaks. Sounds draconian at first, but let’s be honest - we’re all creatures of habit, so it gives you a good way to segment the day.

You can even add a level of fun to it. By having a rotating ‘coffee maker’ each day, to minimise cross-contact and too much office wandering, you can make the office into a café. We’re talking misspelt names written on cups, the joy of not having to make your own coffee… it’s a little bit of a treat in the middle of your workday.

How Pact Coffee can still work for you

We’ve put together a comprehensive ‘Best Practices’ guide that we’d be happy to share - just reach out to business@pactcoffee.com, and we’ll help however we can. And if you haven’t tried Pact Coffee for your office yet, and aren’t sure about how we’d onboard you or showcase our coffees, then we’ve thought of that too!

Our coffee tastings are ready to run remotely - from sending you all the equipment and coffee you need to get started, guiding you through the process via video conference, and helping your team stay safe during. Because it’s still possible to bring world-class coffee to your team - whether you’re back in the office yet, or staying remote for now.

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